Amerige Dry Cleaning

Back To The Office Checklist

After months of working remotely, we have finally reached the point where employers are preparing to bring their people back to the office. Thanks to vaccines, businesses are reopening their doors and welcoming back their staff and customers alike. The long-awaited reuniting of communities across the country is comforting for us all, as our sense of normalcy was abandoned a year ago due to a national pandemic.

With this news comes a mix of emotions for employees everywhere; excitement, fear, eagerness, anxiety. This could very well be a major change to your daily routine. The best way to tackle any doubts that you might have is to prepare a “back to the office checklist.”

If you are feeling anxious about the prospect of returning to the office, a few things you may include in your checklist are; daycare, animal care, transportation, and meals. All of those things we have taken for granted over the past fourteen months. While compiling your list, don’t forget to include the most important consideration…” what are you going to wear?”

That’s right, it’s time to check the closet for something other than pajamas and sweatpants. Pull out your button-downs, your khakis, and yes, even those stylish suits. This is your chance to dress to impress. Be sure to plan ahead and expect there to be some dust on those clothes you haven’t worn in months—they need to be freshened up.

Don’t add to your anxiety by trying to care for them yourself. Brush them off and have them cleaned by the best! Trust the professionals with your favorite work outfits. Find your local Greenearth dry cleaner to give them the look and feel of a new wardrobe. Don’t be shy, visit our store locator to find the cleaner nearest you.

Greenearth is the world’s largest environmentally friendly brand in dry cleaning. The process of replacing petrochemical solvents with liquid silicone is our secret. The solution is non-toxic and non-allergenic.

You can count on your local GreenEarth cleaner to care for your clothes in a way that’s safe for you, your clothes, and the planet. They’ll have you headed back to the office looking and feeling your best!